So I was poking around the web for random debt help resources and found this site: It has quite a few useful articles (if you have debt problems like me, I recommend doing some reading on there).
I found one of the articles to be particularly insightful. It's a general debt help article, kind of common sense but something I never really thought about before. I only have one car and do not attend a private school (or any school for that matter), and moving is not really an option at the moment. However, I do eat fast food every few days which is more expensive than "real food". Man, whatever happened to fast food being cheap. $0.29 cheeseburgers at McDonald's anyone? I also have a cell phone but don't think I could live without that (OK, technically not true but it makes life so much easier). Cable isn't a huge expense, but I suppose it adds up. I think I'll cancel it starting next month since I can live without it. Maybe I'll sign up for Netflix or Hulu or something, those are like $10 a month. Lot cheaper than cable.
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